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What Is The Advantage Of An Uncontested Divorce?

What Is The Advantage Of An Uncontested Divorce?

Some people put off the idea of divorce because they envision a long and bitter courtroom battle. Some cheap divorce are contested, meaning the couple disagrees about the terms of the case. However, couples can also choose an uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, the couple agrees to all terms, such as the division of property, without requiring mediation or a trial. Some find the idea of an uncontested divorce unfathomable. An uncontested divorce, however, can offer many benefits to couples who can reach an agreement. Listed below are three of the most valuable advantages of uncontested divorces.

Divorces Without a Court Battle are Cheaper

You can expect to pay anywhere between $3,500 and $20,000 if you contest your divorce. When one or both parties have a high net worth, a divorce can cost over $100,000 because of the many issues involved. When assets are lost during the process and one spouse receives a settlement that does not favor them, a contested divorce can cost even more. A divorce that is uncontested, however, can cost as little as $500, allowing both parties to move on with their new lives.

Divorces Without Contest Provide Closure

After a contested divorce trial, either party can appeal certain decisions. If one party believes a judge made a mistake when making a decision about child custody, they can appeal and have the decision reversed. Having the knowledge that the other party has the right to appeal any decision makes it hard for the other party to put the whole process behind them.

Uncontested divorces, on the other hand, allow couples to achieve closure and move on with their new lives more easily. While a party can still request a modification of the agreement in the future, that normally does not happen right away and usually requires a change in circumstances before the terms are modified.

Divorces that are Uncontested Keep the Couple in Contact

It is usually quite difficult for both parties after a hotly contested divorce to be civil to each other, let alone maintain a personal relationship. Nevertheless, there are circumstances when a couple has a great deal to gain by being not only civil towards each other, but actually friendly. Children are one of the most common situations in which a couple has a great deal to gain by being friendly. After an uncontested divorce, it is much easier to co-parent effectively than after a contested divorce because no feelings of resentment have built up between the two parties.

If you are Divorcing, We Can Help with Your Divorce in Tampa Bay

No matter how uncontested your divorce is, you should still consult a Tampa divorce attorney. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our skilled attorneys can assist you with the divorce process and help you reach an agreement with your spouse. When the divorce is contested, we are also prepared to go to trial and give you the best chance of a favorable result.

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